Ministries, Websites, and Book Publishers We Recommend
Reformed Truther Ministries has taken great care to only recommend faithful sources of information. However, we do not agree with any of these sources on all matters. In addition, these websites are not officially connected to Reformed Truther Ministries and may not agree with all that that is taught by this ministry. If any clarification is needed on our recommended ministries or websites, please feel free to email Reformed Truther Ministries with any questions.
Ministries and Websites
1. Test All Things Blog
Test All Things | Earnestly Contending For The Faith Which Was Once Delivered Unto The Saints
This website is a useful source of theologically sound material on a number of topics including the doctrines of grace, the writings of doctrinally sound men, and biblical cosmology. The theology found on the Test All Things website is in substantial agreement with the theology of Reformed Truther Ministries on most topics. There are some differences on a few matters. A faithful website.
2. Institute of Biblical Anthropology
Institute of Biblical Anthropology by Dr. Judd Burton (
The Institute of Biblical Anthropology is an online learning institute which is led by Dr. Judd Burton. This institute offers courses in a number of fields including biblical anthropology, demonology, preternatural morphology, mythology, ancient near east civilization, and Mediterranean civilization. Burton is a PhD level academic who has studied topics such as giants and cryptids from a biblical perspective. Membership in the institute requires no application but does require a monthly or yearly fee. A great resource.
3. Addullam Films, Christian J. Pinto
Adullam Films - A Christian Film Ministry
Addullam Films is the documentary film company run by Christian J. Pinto and his associates. Pinto's excellent documentaries cover topics such as the history of the Bible, the true Christian history of America, and work of the secret societies across the world. Pinto is doctrinally sound holding to the King James Bible, the doctrines of grace, historicism, the Pope being the Antichrist, etc. His website provides newsletters and sells his materials online. A faithful ministry.
4. Contending for Truth, Dr. Scott Johnson
Contending for Truth – by Dr. Scott Johnson
Scott Johnson is a researcher who works to expose the New World Order. His internet ministry contains many helpful audios which are posted weekly. His emergency freedom alerts are helpful audios which cover current events from a lens of exposing the schemes of the New World Order. Scott Johnson defends the King James Bible, and exposes the Illuminati, Freemasons, and other occultists. Johnson holds to the Dispensationalist Futurist perspective of biblical prophecy, so we are not in agreement with all of his statements regarding future prophetic events.
5. Trinitarian Bible Society: London England
The Trinitarian Bible Society is dedicated to promoting the Masoretic Hebrew text and the Received Greek text and translating the Scriptures into different languages across the world. Their website is filled with helpful information on the traditional text of Scripture and the King James Version of the Bible. We would highly recommend the articles on their website.
6. New Focus Magazine
The New Focus magazine has published a great deal of helpful articles on a large number of theological topics. Many of these articles are available to read for free on their website. Amongst other authors, the writings of George Ella are a prominent part of what is available to read. Many useful books are sold from the website as well such as Ella's biographies on John Gill, William Huntington, and James Hervey.
7. Historicist Research Foundation
The Historicist Research Foundation is a website that teaches eschatology from a Historicist Postmillennial perspective. Their website recommends books and has articles available to read online. The works of Dr. Francis Nigel Lee are available on the site. His works are highly recommended.
Another useful website that teaches on historicism. The website promotes the books of Henry Gratton Guinness. Guinness was an evangelist and teacher on Bible prophecy. Although he was premillennial, his books are still very helpful in understanding eschatology.
9. The Trinity Foundation
The Trinity Foundation is a Christian ministry dedicated to defending objective biblical truth. Their website is most well-known promoting the writings and thought of Gordon Clark. Gordon Clark was a Christian philosopher whose epistemological system of Presuppositionalism, known as Scripturalism, was a powerful biblical rebuttal to the anti-biblical and anti-rational philosophies that have contaminated the world and the Christian Church. Clark believed that only God's revelation was the source of all knowledge and wisdom. His writings showed the futility of all worldly philosophies other than biblical Christianity. Clark's writings are available for purchase at the Trinity Foundation's website. The website has a number of helpful articles available to read. In addition to articles on Gordon Clark and his views, there are also a number of articles on the justification controversies that have gone on in conservative evangelical circles in recent decades. The Trinity Foundation is a presbyterian organization that holds to the Westminster Confession of Faith. We do not agree with them on all matters.
10. Bible Based Ministries
Bible Based Ministries is a small biblically faithful teaching ministry based in South Africa. Bible Based Ministries is run by Shaun Wilcock who is a Christian minister, author, and researcher. Bible Based Ministries defends the King James Bible, the doctrines of grace, and biblically sound doctrine. A large part of the work of Bible Based Ministries is exposing the schemes of the Roman Catholic Church. Shaun Wilcock holds to the Historicist mode of Bible prophecy and teaches the historic protestant view that the Pope of Rome is the Antichrist.
12. L.A. Marzulli's Ministry
L. A. Marzulli - Home of Politics Prophecy and the Supernatural (
L.A. Marzulli is a Christian researcher has been studying the Nephilim in the field for decades. Marzulli researches the giants, aliens, cryptids, archeological sites, and a myriad of other topics. He produces films, books, and other resources. His website provides access to his materials.
Book Publishers
1. Gospel Mission Christian Books: Choteau, Montana
Gospel Mission Christian Books - Home (
Gospel Mission Christian Books is a book publishing ministry of Old Paths Strict Baptist Church. This Particular Baptist book publisher is a treasure trove of Reformed, Puritan and Particular Baptist books. The books are theologically sound and very affordable. Old Paths Strict Baptist Church is associated with the Gospel Standard Baptist Churches.
2. Gospel Standard Trust: United Kingdom
The Gospel Standard Baptists are group of Strict and Particular Baptists located primarily in the United Kingdom. The Gospel Standard Baptists follow in the theological heritage of past saints such as John Gill, William Gadsby, J.C. Philpot, and J.K. Popham. Their doctrinal statement is the Gospel Standard Articles. We have found the Gospel Standard Baptists to be doctrinally sound and faithful in their teaching. Reformed Truther Ministries substantially agrees with the doctrine of the Gospel Standard Baptists. Their website contains much helpful information and sells many excellent doctrinal and practical books. One area of disagreement is that the magazines published by them, have in modern times included material promoting heliocentrism, of which we are in disagreement.
3. Banner of Truth
Banner of Truth is a book publisher of Reformed and Puritan books that began in the mid twentieth century. A great resource for finding good theological literature.
4. Baptist Standard Bearer
Baptist Standard Bearer is a publisher of particular Baptist books. They provide many helpful works on Baptist Theology and history. Many books of faithful Baptists from Church history are published on this site.
5. Chapel Library
Chapel Library is a book distribution ministry run from Mount Zion Baptist Church in Pensacola Florida. They send out many helpful reformed books. The ministry sends out many books for free upon request. Details are available on their website. Chapel library’s free monthly journal The Free Grace Broadcaster is a wonderful resource. Subscription details for the Free Grace Broadcaster is available on the Chapel Library website.