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Books We Recommend 


Publishers and Purchase locations: Almost all of these titles are available for purchase through Publishers are listed below. Some of the older titles are rare, and hard to find but are also available through amazon reprints. 


The Scriptures 


1. The King James Version.


Otherwise known as the Authorized Version. The most faithful Bible translation in English. 


2. The Textus Receptus (Greek New Testament) Published by the Trinitarian Bible Society. 


The Greek New Testament that was used in the translation work of the Protestant Reformers. The Textus Receptus is published by the Trinitarian Bible Society. The present edition follows the text of Theodore Beza's 1598 edition. The text was edited by F.H.A. Scrivner and was published by Cambridge University Press in 1894 and 1902. 


3. The Masoretic Text (Hebrew Old Testament)


The preserved text of the Old Testament Scriptures in Hebrew.  


Bible Study Tools


1. The Interlinear Bible. Hebrew - Greek - English by J.P. Green Sr. 


The Interlinear Bible is an excellent tool for consulting what the original languages say in comparison to what is stated in our english bibles. It is coded with Strong's Concordance numbers. It is best used as a complementary resource alongside knowledge of the original languages. It should not be seen as a replacement for understanding the original Hebrew and Greek. 


2. Strong's Concordance of the Bible by James Strong. 


A time tested resource for consulting the original Greek and Hebrew languages underlying our English Bibles. 


3. An Exposition of the Old and New Testaments by John Gill. 


Gill's verse by verse bible commentary is one of the greatest commentaries ever written in Church history. Gill's achievement of expositing every verse in the Bible from Genesis to Revelation is an unequalled feat. His sound exposition, knowledge of the Scriptures, and doctrinal faithfulness makes it a treasured resource for all students of the Bible. 


4. Annotations on the Bible (3 volumes) by Matthew Poole. 


One of the great works of Bible exposition from the seventeenth century. Poole was a faithful minister that lived and served in the Puritan era. His work of exegesis will enrich your knowledge of the Scriptures.  


5. Matthew Henry's Bible Commentary 


The Bible Commentary of Matthew Henry has been beloved by generations for its wisdom and insights into the text of Scripture. The value of Henry's commentary comes from its devotional and practical comments stemming from the text. Henry's edifying comments make his commentary useful for all Christians no matter their extent of Bible knowledge. 


Baptist Confessions and Catechisms

1. First London Baptist Confession of Faith (1644)


2. Second London Baptist Confession of Faith (1689)


3. Goat Yard Confession of Faith. Written by John Gill. (1729)


4. Gospel Standard Articles of Faith. (1878)


5. The Baptist Catechism: Commonly known as Keach’s Catechism


We believe that careful and thorough study of the historic Baptist Confessions are an invaluable tool for the understanding sound doctrine today. We would therefore highly recommend the use of these confessions and catechisms for those looking to grow in their understanding of theology.


Other Confessions and Catechisms 

1. Apostles Creed 


2. Nicene-Constantinople Creed 381 


3. Chalcedonian Creed 451


4. Westminster Confession of Faith 1646


5. Westminster Larger and Shorter Catechisms 1647


6. The Three Forms of Unity, (Belgic Confession, Canons of Dordt, and Heidelberg Catechism)


7. Savoy Declaration 1658 


8. The Coal Heaver's Confession written by William Huntington 


Although we hold to the Baptist confessions listed above the most closely and find them to be the greatest help for learning sound doctrine, we regardless find that these other confessions from Church history are of great help and have many excellent articles contained within them. We would recommend studying these historic confessions of the Christian faith. 


Systematic Theology

1. A body of Doctrinal Divinity and Practical Divinity by John Gill


John Gill’s body of Divinity is the best systematic treatment of doctrine that we are aware of. We would highly recommend his Body of Divinity as well as his other works. Gill today has been dismissed as a Hyper-Calvinist and his contributions as a theologian have been overlooked by modern Evangelicals. In reality, Gill was a man greatly used of the Lord both as a pastor and as a theologian. There are a few minor areas where we disagree with Gill. First, we disagree with Gill’s Premillennialism (our position is Historicist Postmillennialism) although we believe him to otherwise to be very good in matters related to Eschatology. Second, we disagree with John Gill's position on the Lord's Day which he does not equate with the Christian Sabbath. Third, Gill affirms that Christians are under the law as a rule of life. Otherwise, we would highly recommend the content of his works.


2. What Gospel Standard Baptists Believe by J.H. Gosden. 


J.H. Gosden was a faithful minister amongst the Gospel Standard Baptists. Gosden's book, What Gospel Standard Baptists Believe is a commentary on the Gospel Standard Articles of Faith. His book has correctly been called a "body of divinity" in its own right. This book is not only a helpful explanation of the Gospel Standard Articles of Faith but is also beneficial for understanding the doctrines of the faith. 


3. Reformed Dogmatics Volume Two: God and Creation by Herman Bavinck. 


Bavinck's writings on the doctrine of God are informative and edifying. His treatment of subjects such as the incomprehensibility of God, the simplicity of God, God's incommunicable attributes, God's communicable attributes, etc. were all greatly beneficial. 


4. Hodge's Systematic Theology (3 Volumes) by Charles Hodge.


Hodge was a biblical scholar and theologian that taught at Princeton University in the nineteenth century. His systematic theology has been read by reformed scholars ever since its completion. We would recommend his work as a valuable resource for studying systematic theology. We do not agree with all of Hodge's views on every subject in his work. Some of his statements regarding the doctrine of the subordination of the son to the father are confusing and unhelpful. However, we do not believe that Hodge held to the Semi-Arian doctrine of the subordination of the son (a great error!). Hodge's third volume on Eschatology is an informative treatment of the doctrines of Historicist Postmillennialism. 



1. The Clark-Van Til Controversy by Herman Hoeksema 


This book handles the theological controversy that erupted between Gordon Clark and Cornelius Van Til due to Clark's views on Presuppositionalism. The book is a readable introduction into the views of Clark and also the views of those who opposed him. We would recommend reading this book before proceeding into Clark's writings. 


Bible Translations

1. The Revision Revised by Dean Burgon


2. The Traditional Text of the Greek Gospels by Dean Burgon


3. The Causes of Corruption of the Traditional Text by Dean Burgon


Dean Burgon was an Anglican Minister who was a staunch defender of the traditional Greek text which underlies the King James Version. Burgon in his works demonstrates the inferiority of the Sinaiticus and Vaticanus manuscripts in comparison to the countless majority of manuscripts available to us. Burgon make his case from the abundance of manuscript evidence and also from quotations of the early Church Fathers. His defense of the Traditional Text is irrefutable.


4. The King James Version Defended by Edward F. Hills.


Edward F. Hills was a Presbyterian Pastor who studied at Westminster Theological Seminary. He also got his doctorate in Textual Criticism from the University of Chicago. Hills defends the Greek and Hebrew Texts that are the foundation of the King James Version. Hills shows the importance of understanding the doctrine of the Preservation of the Scriptures and having a correct understanding of how to approach Textual Criticism. A must read.


5. Which Bible? Multiple Authors. Edited by David Otis Fuller. 


This book is a collection of essays on Textual Criticism and Bible Translations. The essays cover a number of different topics including the Textus Receptus, the translation of the Authorized Version, Wescott and Hort, the problems with the Critical Text, etc. A very helpful book. 


6. A Lamp in the Dark (DVD) (Available for purchase at Amazon or


A History of the Bible and the Christian Church through the Middle Ages and Reformation periods. The Documentary covers the Waldenses and Albigenses, the Inquisition, John Wycliffe, William Tyndale, the translation of the King James Bible, the Papacy, Jesuits etc. A wealth of information.


7. Wheat among the Tares (DVD) (Available for purchase at Amazon or


The sequel to A Lamp in the dark. The documentary covers the discovery of Codex Sinaiticus and Rome’s work in undermining Protestantism and the Bible.


8. Bridge to Babylon (DVD) (Available for purchase at Amazon or


The third documentary in the history of the Bible Series. This documentary shows the problems of the Critical Text, the liberal views of Scholars such as Kurt Aland and Bruce Metzger and Rome’s work in undermining the Scriptures. 



1. The Final Word A Biblical Response to the Case for Prophecy and Tongues Today by O Palmer Robertson


This little book biblically defines the gifts of prophecy and tongues and shows how they have ceased. The modern usage of the prophecy and tongues in the Charismatic movement do not meet the biblical definition of the spiritual gifts. A great introduction to Cessationism.


2. Counterfeit Miracles by B.B. Warfield


Warfield’s book on the Cessation of the miraculous spiritual gifts and an examination of false claims of miracles in the history of the Church.


The Sovereignty of God and the Doctrines of Grace

1. The Sovereignty of God by A.W. Pink.


A.W. Pink’s classic work is an excellent treatment on the various aspects of God’s sovereignty.  Pink's book demonstrates God’s sovereignty in Salvation and the doctrine of Predestination. We do not recommend the Banner of Truth edition of the book that has removed Pink’s chapter on Reprobation which is a thoroughly biblical doctrine.


Free Grace and the Free Offer of the Gospel 

1. The Reign of Grace by Abraham Booth


Abraham Booth was a faithful Particular Baptist minister who lived in the eighteenth century. Booth's work, the Free Reign of Grace discusses the concept of grace and its importance for the Christian. Booth discusses how God's grace is seen in the great doctrines of the faith such as election, effectual calling, adoption, justification, sanctification, etc. An encouraging read. 


2. Free Grace, Free Will, and the Free Offer by J.H. Gosden 


Gosden in this work refutes the commonly held theological views of duty faith and the free offer of the gospel. Gosden shows that the doctrine of God offering sinners salvation implies that the sinner has the power to come to Christ by his own power. The free offer of the gospel refutes the doctrines of total depravity, unconditional election, reprobation, and particular redemption. Gosden shows how duty-faith, and the free offer is opposed to free grace. Gosden defends those who deny these doctrines from the charge of Hyper Calvinism. 


3. Stand Fast: Some Polemical Writings of J.K. Popham


J.K. Popham served as the Pastor of Galeed Chapel in Great Britain for over fifty-five years. Popham was a leader amongst the Gospel Standard Baptist Churches in his day. He also served as the editor of the Gospel Standard and Friendly Companion magazines. Popham's polemical writings cover topics such as God's sovereignty, the doctrines of grace, offers of salvation and preaching to the unconverted. His writings are helpful for developing a more consistent understanding of sovereign grace. 



1. John Gill and Justification from Eternity: A Tercentenary Appreciation 1697 - 1997 by George Ella


Ella's book examines John Gill's view of justification from eternity. The book is not only helpful understanding the doctrine of John Gill but also for understanding the biblical doctrine of justification from eternity. Justification is a widely misunderstood doctrine and Ella's work does much to end that confusion.  


Covenant Theology

1.The Distinctiveness of Baptist Covenant Theology: A Comparison Between Seventeenth Century Particular Baptist and Paedobaptist Federalism by Pascal Denault.


This book is an introduction to 1689 federalism which is a form of Baptist Covenant Theology. The book shows the unique historic Baptist position on Covenant Theology and how it leads to a Baptist understanding of the New Covenant. A good starting point for studying Covenant theology.


2. The Mystery of Christ: His Covenant & His Kingdom by Sam Renihan  

Sam Renihan in his book lays out Baptist Covenant Theology from the 1689 federalist perspective. He shows how that although the promises of the Covenant of Grace are found in the Old Testament the Substance of the Covenant of Grace is the New Covenant. A great work.


3. Nehemiah Coxe & John Owen: Covenant Theology from Adam to Christ


Nehemiah Coxe was a 17th Century Particular Baptist who likely played a large role in the writing of the 1689 London Baptist confession. This book contains his treatise on Covenant Theology. The book also contains sections from John Owen's commentaries on Hebrews. Although Owen was not a Baptist his understanding of Covenant Theology was in agreement with the Baptists in many areas.



1. The Psalms in Worship. Multiple Authors. Edited by John McNaughter.


This book is a collection of essays on the position of Exclusive Psalmody. The essays cover the topics of the regulative principle, The place of Psalms in worship, exegesis of Col. 3:16 and Eph. 5:19, The use of Psalms in Church history, objections to exclusive psalmody, Etc. This book is a classic defense of Exclusive Psalmody.


2. The Songs of Zion. The Biblical Basis for Exclusive Psalmody. By Michael Bushnell.


This book makes an in-depth argument for Exclusive Psalmody. The book argues from the implications of the doctrine of the regulative principle and from the sufficiency of the psalter for Christian worship. The book argues by appealing to Scripture and to Church History. A detailed defense of Exclusive Psalmody.


3. Old Light on New Worship: Musical Instruments and the Worship of God, a Theological, Historical and Psychological Study by John Price.


This book makes the case that the Regulative Principle calls for non-instrumentation in worship. In other words, Instruments are forbidden in New Testament worship according the Regulative Principle. The book makes the case from Scripture and Church history.


4. Instrumentation in Worship by John L. Girardeau.


Another book on Non-Instrumentation in Worship. Girardeau shows how the instruments in the Old Testament were tied to the sacrificial system and passed away with the Old Covenant.  


Church and State 

1. The Doctrine of the Lesser Magistrates: A Proper Resistance to Tyranny and a Repudiation of Unlimited Obedience to Civil Government by Matthew J. Trewhella 


This book provides an accessible and informative introduction to the biblical doctrine of the Lesser Magistrates. The book demonstrates that although all Christians need to submit to the government, there are times when the government oversteps its God given authority. During such times the Lesser Magistrates are called to intercede against the wicked mandates and stand against Tyranny. The book defines what the doctrine entails and what it does not entail. A well written book on the biblical understanding of A Christian's understanding of government. 



1. Romanism and The Reformation from The Standpoint of Prophecy by Henry Gratton Guinness


This book is a great introduction to the Historicist view of Prophecy. Guinness demonstrates that the Popes of Rome are the Antichrist of Scripture by appealing to Daniel, 2 Thessalonians and Revelation. The book shows the Historicist teaching that Bible Prophecy is fulfilled by literal historical events. The book also shows that the view of the Papacy being the Antichrist has been the historic Protestant position. Henry Gratton Guinness is an excellent teacher of Bible Prophecy although we disagree with his Premillennialism.


2. The Puritan Hope by Ian Murray. Banner of Truth Trust: Carlisle, Pennsylvania. 


This book shows the historic belief of Prophecy that the Conversion of the Jews in the Latter Day will lead to the coming Millennium. This Millennium (Postmillennial View) will lead to advance of Church through the preaching of the gospel. Murray shows that this view was prominent amongst the Puritans and how it continued through the Great Awakening and the launch of the mission’s movement in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. Murray does not discuss the Antichrist or Historicism. This book is helpful and very encouraging.


3. Not to be Ignored: Commentary on Revelation by Wilhelmus a Brakel


A commentary on the Book of Revelation from the Historicist Postmillennial perspective. This commentary is one of the best available on Revelation.  


4. Works of Jonathan Edwards Volume 5 Apocalyptic Writings Yale Set


Jonathan Edwards’ notes on the Apocalypse are an excellent help in understanding Eschatology. Edwards correctly understood all the various aspects of Historicist Postmillennialism including Rome as the Antichrist, the conversion of the Jews, the gradual fulfillment of prophecy in history and the coming Millennium. His book is very helpful.


5. Christ’s Second Coming: Will It Be Pre-Millennial? By David Brown


This book refutes the possibility of Premillennialism and shows the superiority of the Historicist Postmillennial position.


6. The Glory of the Church in the Latter Day: Sermon by John Gill. Gill’s sermons and tracts.


Gill in this sermon lays out the belief that the Church will experience great blessings in the Latter Days. The preaching of the Word of God will be attended by the power of the Holy Spirit and the saints will be blessed by great spirituality. Gill shows that the final vials of Revelation being continually poured out on the Antichrist system leads to the Antichrist’s final destruction. The destruction of the Antichrist and the conversion of the Jews leads to this great blessing. Other than Gill’s belief in a literal 1000-year reign of Christ on the earth we believe his views on Eschatology to be excellent and worth careful study.


7. Gill’s Body of Doctrinal Divinity: The Spiritual Reign of Christ.


John Gill believed the 1000-year physical reign of Christ was preceded by the Spiritual Reign of Christ where the Church experiences great blessing and advances greatly in the world. Although Gill’s belief in a physical reign of Christ is Premillennial his belief in the spiritual reign of Christ is very reminiscent to Postmillennialism. This section of his Body of Divinity is very helpful for understanding how God reigns spiritually and how that effects the Church.


8. Gill’s Commentary on Revelation

John Gill’s commentary on Revelation is of great help in understanding Revelation from the Historicist perspective. We do not agree with his interpretation of every section of Revelation but we would agree with most of it. All of Gill’s Bible commentaries are of great help.

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